How to Improve Your Finances in 3 Simple Steps

Money begins in the mind. Don’t confuse the little pieces of paper in your wallet with money. Dollar bills are only a symbol. The value of money is that which you hold in your consciousness.Since money is an idea it’s imperative to associate money with positive emotions. Look around. Do most people see money in a positive light? When did you watch your last Ferrari commercial? How many advertisements a day do you hear trumpeting “Hot Deals”? The general public has a scarcity consciousness when it comes to money. It believes that money is finite. This is ludicrous since ideas are not finite and money is an idea.Fill your mind with positive ideas about money and money flows to you with ease.Begin The Day With Positive AffirmationsAn affirmation is a statement repeated to one’s self which is accepted as true. When an idea has been accepted as truth it manifests. Once an idea has been sufficiently affirmed it becomes true.If you’re short on money the idea of money associated with lack was affirmed to you tens of thousands of times. Maybe your parents always spoke of losing the house, or being broke. Perhaps you were praised for getting a good deals when shopping. This affirmed the idea of lack, the idea that you could never have enough money to buy what you want so you better save, save, save, and be stingy with the few dollars which you possess.To change your financial situations develop a new set of affirmations. Emotions power affirmations. Generate deep positive feelings when stating that you are abundant, you are prosperous, you are wealthy.Perform affirmations in the present tense. Now is when you’re getting rich. Unless you have access to a time machine you can’t get rich in the future because the future never arrives.Turn Off The NewsThe news is mental junk food. When was the last time a wealthy person was praised on the news? If you catch a wealthy person on the news the talking heads are likely celebrating their downfall.See these images thousands of times and you’ll be programmed to dislike wealthy people. If you dislike wealthy people you’ll probably dislike money. Oh you’ll still want plenty of money, but you won’t receive much because your mental programming is hard-coded to reject money.Turn the news off for good. The news is primarily death, jealousy, poverty, and envy. What good does it do you?Leave Negative People BehindThis one is a sore point for most. Out of a sense of loyalty they hold on to worn out relationships. Never leave your friends behind no matter what, they say.What if you want to be successful? What if you want to make more money? Ask yourself this question. Why does Bill Gates hang out with Warren Buffet? Wealthy people associate with like-minded people because the relationship breeds more wealth for each party. Bill Gates is not going to associate with someone who whines about the wealthy having too much money. He’d much rather talk to someone who has billion dollar ideas. A negative person would poison his mind and he has too much respect for himself to let that occur. Do you respect yourself enough to let go of negative influences?If you want to become wealthy you must let go of people who think about being broke. If they’re broke but their mindset says “Wealth” they can stick around. Their poverty is only temporary. But if someone constantly complains about money they don’t like money and will never have much money. Lose them. At least if you plan to become wealthy.Feed Your Mind The Right IdeasThere is no secret when it comes to wealth creation. Those who are wealthy fed their mind images of wealth before acquiring their fortunes. You can do the same.

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